Meridian Park South Campus & West Campus
Located within the western Riverside County region of Southern California, March Air Force Base (AFB) encompassed approximately 6,500 acres straddling Interstate 215 (Highway 395) just south of Highway 60. March AFB was first established as a military installation in 1918, and has operated almost continually since. In July, 1993, March AFB was selected to be realigned, and subsequently converted from an active duty base to a Reserve Base, effective April 1, 1996. The decision to realign March AFB resulted in approximately 4,400 acres of property and facilities being declared surplus and available for disposal actions, as well as joint use of the airfield. Prior to base realignment, the base employed over 10,000 military personnel and civilian employees. The existence of the base in its pre-realignment condition contributed an estimated $500 million annually to the regional economy. With the announcement of realignment, the regional economic loss with the change in military mission at March was immediately recognized, and opportunities to plan and implement new uses to the region have arisen.
RGA has been providing ongoing Master Planning services for Meridian LLC, a joint venture between Waypoint Properties and Lewis Operating Company, since 2014. The south campus encompasses approximately 430 acres, and the West Campus an additional 107 acres. As of late 2019, four buildings, totaling 3.5 million square feet have been completed and are currently occupied by Amazon, UPS, Nissan North America, and Burlington. RGA provided construction documents and TI services for all 4 projects. Additional buildings are under construction or in design phase currently.